Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Goals for 2009 - Update

Well, February has come and gone making the year 1/6 of the way over. It's hard to believe we are already into the third month of the year. With the start of March, it seems like a good time to give an update on my goals for the year. We are well on our way to meeting some of them, while others are just sitting and waiting for warmer weather. Here is the progress I have made so far:

  • Goal: Read 12 Books - As of the end of February, I have read five books. I completed the book I had started at the end of January - Hudson's Merchants and Whalers: The Rise and Fall of a River Port by Margaret B. Schram. I then completed two other books - Raving Fans: The Art of Customer Service by Ken Blanchard and Hume: From East Tennessee to Southern Kentucky by Alvis Hall Hume. I am currently deciding on which book to start next. At this pace, I will complete my goal for the year in five months. Normally this goal is much harder since I am usually spending most of my time studying, but with this semester off, I have been able to spend more time with leisure reading.

  • Goal: Write 12 Poems - Technically, I have written two, but I would be pressed to call the one an actual poem. It was a very short four line rhyming jingle of a verse that I sent to Lori to remind her of something. It was never intended for anyone beyond Lori and it was really corny. Regardless, it at least deserves the recognition of being counted. Writer's will tell you that sometimes it isn't about the quality, it is simply about writing anything to keep the creative juices flowing.

  • Goal: Lose Weight - It is hard to judge my progress because as I mentioned last month, I never weighed in at the beginning of the year. I have been fairly faithful with my Slim-Fast Shakes, although I did fall off the wagon while traveling this past weekend. I have noticed some of my clothes fitting more loosely and overall, I feel healthier. I think that is really the important thing.

  • Goal: Walk 5,000 Steps Daily - I didn't publish this goal here originally, but it was one of my goals for the year. It will ultimately help me lose some weight (see previous goal) and keep me healthy. Unfortunately, the 5,000 steps are coming as part of my daily routine and not as a result of any additional exercise. Right now I am averaging over 5,000 steps daily for six of the seven days each week. I am only missing the seventh day by a few hundred steps and should have that average over 5,000 in a week or two. Over the past week, I have actually averaged about 7,500 steps daily. I wish I could say it was because I am doing better, but I think it has more do to with how my new pedometer is counting steps. I think the internal mechanism is a little more sensitive than my old pedometer (which I lost) and so it moves (counts steps) differently. I will have to figure out what I want to do about this this.

  • Goal: Reduce Household Debt - Another goal I didn't orginally post. We have been making some progress on this, but with the filling of our taxes this past weekend, we should make great strides this month in reducing the overall amount we put out each month.

  • Goal: Reduce Dining Out Budget - This is one goal we have struggled with. We spend way to much eating out because of poor planning. Often times, we are getting home so late from work or we are so tired that it has been easier to just pick something up. It also doesn't help that we don't have a set grocery schedule other than when we get paid. This makes it difficult, because a few days before we get paid, we begin running out of everything. Better planning of meals would elimintate this because we would make sure we bought enough at the store when we do go.

  • Goal: Household Projects - Warmer weather will allow us to complete this goal in the next few months. The only "project" that we have made any progress on is getting rid of junk we don't need or use. I have posted our weekly progress on this project with our "Clean Sweep" postings. Other projects that we are planning include painting the foundation, installing railing on our front porch, and installing a storm door on our basement.

Well, that's the update on this year's goals. Hopefully, I will be able to report next month that we have actually completed some of our more specific goals. Most of the ones posted here are general and are actually comprised of a few more specific goals. Until then, we will keep plugging away.

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