Sunday, May 24, 2009

Becoming a Pirate?????

We have been in Greenville, NC for two days now looking for potential housing and checking out the area for a potential move. I have not been overly impressed by Greenville, but I also have not found anything to really dislike about the area. I believe that this is an area I could live in for a couple of years while earning my Masters degree and I feel the area will grow on me. I believe I will come to think of Greenville as home, but I don't know that I would want to live here for a longer period. Greenville has all the basic amenities, but it is still lacking many of the same things that Morgantown lacks. It is over an hour to the nearest metro area.

We hope to check out more tomorrow and see the university on Tuesday. As long as my visit with the department goes well, I will be trading my muzzleloader and coonskin hat for a saber and black eye patch.

1 comment:

Mama10EE said...

It sounds like the trip has been a success then...