Thursday, January 22, 2009

Clean Sweep - Week 2

Well, as suspected, Week 2 did not clean out much due to the fact that we were out of town for the weekend. We managed to get 10 items out of the house - a few items that weren't even ours and needed to be returned to their rightful owners. Even though I had expected a decline from the previous week, I was still disappointed in our progress. I had hoped for 20 items.

The good news is, I have been eyeing a few things for Week 3 and I think I can get us back on track. I even found an ingenious way to get rid of items, without really getting rid of anything. How's that you ask? Let me explain. It really boils down to perception. You see, we have several items that have become estranged from themselves and a little organization of getting those items back together goes a long way. For instance, in our den, we have a shoebox full of A/C adapters, chargers, power supplies, etc. The items that they go to are in other rooms - the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom, etc. When these items are separated from each other, it appears that we have more stuff than we really do. Once the items are put together, they aren't really two separate items anymore, but rather one larger, more organized item.

We also managed to get rid of a couple of items with help from our cat, Socks. Socks has a thing about chewing on wires and cables while they are plugged in and conducting electricity. While we were gone this weekend, Socks completely mangled all the wires and cables connected to our computer. This left us without internet access and thus the lateness of this post. Although we are getting rid of a few cables, we ultimately had to replace them, so it was really a wash with no items lost and no items gained. Socks, by the way, is doing just fine. It seems the electricity has not affected her one bit.

1 comment:

Mama10EE said...

Too funny about Socks, but I am glad she isn't hurt! We need to do a serious clean out, which for us will happen in Spring since our garage is the spot in most need for cleaning. At least you got rid of some stuff, even if you cluttered up my house more :)